It's never too late for 💗
It's never too late for love. And I'm not talking about my fabulous septuagenarian aunt who, many years after the death of her beloved husband, married again. I am talking about loving in every moment. Loving in the face of anger, suffering, hatred, grief, disappointment. This is an idea many consider controversial, however it is what all great spiritual teachers have shared with us.
It's not easy to understand as humans. But here is what I have learned, and am continuing to learn through my past 30 years of practicing meditation: meeting hate with hate, spitting venom back at those who we believe contribute to more hatred on our planet, does not lead to a more loving world. Being powerfully strong in our intentions and actions to create more love, peace and goodness for everyone on planet earth, that is the mission of a love warrior. Those are my people. Warriors of love.